Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My Little Red Car

It rained last night and this morning my car wouldn't start. It does this from time to time. It mostly happens when it's really damp out. Last night it was really damp, in fact it rained for hours.

It hasn't rained here in over 9 months, but because we live right at the beach it's always wet in the morning. Everything's green from the ocean mist. For those of you who don't live by the beach, that's the water that 'missed' inland .

              So sometimes my car doesn't start when it's really wet outside. But here's the weird part. I have found a way to get it started. I don't know how I came up with it. I guess out of desperation. One day when I was late to work I decided I could push start it by myself. HA!. I tried a few time to make it move. I couldn't get it to budge more than a few inches, then I discovered something.

Here's how it works....

       If I turn the key and nothing happens. I put the car in second gear and remove the hand brake. I open the door and step outside. I push the car forward about an inch, then backward about an inch. As the car begins to rock back and forth I continue for 5 complete motions forward and backward. I climb back in, try the key and WOW! It turns over.

        I  recently told  a mechanic friend of mine about this  and he said this was impossible. But in my experience, nothing's impossible - this from the most optimistic musician on the planet! Just a little momentum is all I need

       "Just a little momentum," my car says and everything will be alright. Sounds a little like my music career. Just a little momentum is all I need. Then I'll do the rest.

        Speaking of music. Tonight is our open blues jam at the SLO Down Pub in Arroyo Grande on the corner of Grand and Brisco. It's lots of fun. I get to host, play a grand piano, my guitar and sing with lots of great musicians. This particular jam night started last month and is held every Tuesday nite. It started  out slowly at first and I make virtually no money hosting it just tips), but it is a good time and it's building momentum.

Thanks for spending this time with me. Please post a comment, visit my site at www.screamingjimmy.com  or come down and give a listen. You can do it. Get up, get in your car (if it doesn't start, you know what to do) It just takes a little momentum


Will said...

Good post dad. I corrected a typo for you, :)
Keep it up and I will too.

Anne and Gary said...

We had a car like that. I think
it was something to do with the starter. Anyhow it works and that's what counts. Looking forward to more. And here's to a little momentum!

Mrs. Smithey said...

Hi Jim,

I am enjoying reading your blog. Now I need to figure out if I can get an RSS feed for it. I have been taking a technology class for work and actually know about some of these things now.